Category Archives: poem

Invisible being

I am here
I am me
But I’m not seen
no, just looked through
passed over like a left over bread
used like an essential machine
To be touched not to be felt
To be gawked not to be seen
To be left not to be held
To be consumed not to be tasted
To be perceived not to be smelt
Whatever they make of me is what I’ll be
If the distance crevices of my mind are to protest, it is shut down
I am but an unwilling puppet, patiently waiting my demise
Food tastes like air to the specter
Laughter like a sudden madness
Tears like a tired tale of ever flowing rivers of sadness
death sounds like bliss, because live seems like a disease
I am here
I am me
I am invisible©yenzyoh

Does life have a check list?

Everyone is familiar with expectations. Even more common are the expectations that your family and the society wants from you. It starts like this: Go to school, Get a degree, Get into the work force, Get married and have kids. Of course the list goes on as your age progresses. But these societal check boxes are given a time limit. Apart from that, there is a concept that implies that fulfilling checklist will make you happy. So many people get disillusioned when their ticked check boxes does nothing for them.

There’s one thing such people should know- life does not give you checklist. I’m not saying that people should not be ambitious, the contrary is said here. Be your own person with your own purpose. Know why you are doing the things that you do. Don’t do anything just because society says that it’s the next step. Why are you studying that degree and choosing that work? If you don’t have your personal answer, then some revaluation is needed. Any check boxes you have should be truly yours.

Life is make belief

A game without rules this life is

A stage set for everyone to lose

Only fools will strive to understand the madness that this is

After all vanity has no real meaning

The hidden consciousness we have cannot be seen

Until we surrender to the fact of the irony

life is make belief I tell thee

Brothers and sisters, let’s make a great play out of it


She sits in the dark corners

At the late hours of the night

Uncovering the mysteries of her being

She dares to tread

What others fear and dread

Throwing all caution to the air

No one knows her trueness, her sincerity

An enigma to the world, she represents

Elusive, you have to search to find her current abode

Rare, a fine breed of human, she is

The mystic

She delves into the spiritual

Searches the supernatural for the natural

She knows all what’s physical,

Has a Spirit base

She knows the difference between good and bad

Practices the true, she throws away the wrong

Her soul is too mature for evil

Her mind is a philosophy

Nature’s working, a very own fascination

Governed by balance, she goes

Finding her own true way

The question

The noise has stopped

Fragrance of pain has been erased

As I trace the origin of my past

My finger, drawing figures in the sand

The cooing of the birds above me

As I try to follow the rhythm of the water

Which tries to mimic the swaying of the trees and leaves

Mother nature,

Will you be of help to me today?


I am sorry to tell you

that all your efforts has just been scratches on my defense

You have not even started reaching within my surface-yet

Like I have touched yours

It’s all just scratches dear

As you try to break down the fortress around my heart

But do you why it’s even there?

Because the world did not consider me important to reach for

Keep on scratching my dear

I am sure someday you will find a great shovel

To make your way through my guard

Then will I be forever glad


I was the one you buried

Who never died

I am the demon

Which haunts your heart

In the earth I layed

To rise to taunt

From my bowel a growl grows

Before it erupts

Like the lion’s roar

The one who was you



Poems give me life

Makes me breathe

Puts me to sleep

Poems brings me chills

Turns on a light

Gives me feels

Poems turn me on

Shut me down

Making this little girl cry

Poems wake me up

Tells me to be strong

Works me up

Poems tells me truths

Gives me voice

Makes me smile

Poems reeks of lies

Hits me hard

Makes me smile 

Poems, my very life source