Do everything with a touch of class

Being a class act is universally admired.The worst people in history had gotten off easy and were even praised because they committed their deeds with class.From Cleopatra,Thomas Jefferson to Marie Antoinette and Winston Churchill,many people recorded in history for their power(even though bad deeds were done),a great attitude of class was presented.

Almost any fault,sin or crime is considered more leniently if there is a touch of class involved

Frank Agbendle

How to be classy

 Do not appear over passionate/emotional about something, at least on the surface.Keep your perceived emotions calm and cool.Always believe what you present,be confident about your prowess.Even if you are serving cow shit (excuse the language),be brave and confident and do not doubt your worth.This makes it worth more as the illusion is potrayed.Confidence is classy.

Acting classy is seductive and enticing.Flying into a rage or expressing dramatic emotions/overreaction is an instant turn off.The more you appear with class the more respect you will receive.Think about the impression you want to give out before you take a step.Select the right audience that is worth your value.

Class gives you charisma just as it increases your perceived value.Make sure that you do everything with a touch of class involved.A well meaning action executed without intelligence and dignity results into a shameful result,while a bad intention executed with class and charisma appears dignified.

 Let class be your maxim

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